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1월 5일 역대하 14:11 / L.B.카우만 『사막에 샘이 넘쳐 흐르리라(하나님께 더 가까이)』 L.B.COWMAN, STREAMS IN THE DESERT


1월 5일

역대하 14:11 아사가 그의 하나님 여호와께 부르짖어 이르되 여호와여 힘이 강한 자와 약한 자 사이에는 주밖에 도와줄 이가 없사오니 우리 하나님 여호와여 우리를 도우소서 우리가 주를 의지하오며 주의 이름을 의탁하옵고 이 많은 무리를 치러 왔나이다 여호와여 주는 우리 하나님이시오니 원하건대 사람이 주를 이기지 못하게 하옵소서 하였더니

하나님이 들으시도록, 그분께서 다 책임지시도록 주장하십시오. “주밖에 도와줄 이가 없사오니.” 아사의 군대와 대항하는 적은 대단했습니다. “구스 사람 세라가 그들을 치려 하여 군사 백만 명과 병거 삼백 대를 거느리고 (9절). 아사가 이 엄청난 세력에 저항한다는 것은 불가능한 일 같았습니다. 같이 방어해 줄 동맹군도 없었으니, 유일한 희망은 하나님뿐이었습니다.

여러분도 아마 이런 경험이 있을 것입니다. 그 어떠한 인간의 도움도 소용 없을 정도로 크나큰 어려움이 닥칩니다. 비교적 작은 시련을 겪을 때는 그러한 도움에 의지도 했겠지만, 이제는 전능하신 친구밖에는 의지할 이가 없습니다. 그렇습니다. 여러분과 적대자 사이에 하나님이 계셔야 합니다.

아사는 자신의 부족한 능력을 깨닫고, 여호와께서 세라의 강한 군대와 자신 사이에 서 주시리라 여겼습니다. 과연 그러해서 구스 사람은 "여호와 앞에서와 그의 군대 앞에서 패망했습니다(13절). 하늘의 군대가 이스라엘을 위해 급파되기라도 한 것처럼 철저히 패했습니다. 하나님의 군대에 쫓겨 가지 않을 적은 없습니다. 이스라엘은 뒤따라가며 전리품을 챙겨 모으기만 하면 그만이었습니다. 우리 하나님은 “만군의 여호와"이시니(사 10:16), 어느 때라도 지원군을 불러 그분의 백성을 도우실 수 있습니다. 여러분과 여러분의 고난 사이에 그분이 계심을 믿으십시오. 여러분을 괴롭게 하는 문제들이 바람에 휩쓸리는 구름처럼, 그분 앞에서 달아날 것입니다.

더 이상 기댈 데 없고, 
든든한 산성 먼지처럼 무너져 내리며, 
하나님의 다스림 외에는 아무것도 확신할 수 없을 때,
그때가 바로 믿을 때입니다.

여러분과 나의 길,
눈으로 말고 믿음으로 걸읍시다.
사방천지 빛 하나 없는 밤, 
믿음이 빛 되는 시간입니다.

"아브라함이 하나님을 믿으매” (롬 4:3). 자신의 눈에게는 "물러서라!” 하였고, 자연법칙을 향해서는 잠잠하라!” 하였으며, 의심하는 마음에게는 입 다물라, 거짓 유혹자야!” 하였습니다. 그는 진실로 하나님을 믿었습니다.

January 5

Then Asa . . . said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.” (2 Chronicles 14:11)

Remind God of His exclusive responsibility: “There is no one like you to help.” The odds against Asa’s men were enormous. “Zerah the Cushite marched out against them with a vast army and three hundred chariots” (v. 9). It seemed impossible for Asa to hold his own against that vast multitude. There were no allies who would come to his defense. Therefore his only hope was in God.

It may be that your difficulties have come to such an alarming level that you may be compelled to refuse all human help. In lesser trials, you may have had that recourse, but now you must cast yourself on your almighty Friend. Put God between yourself and the enemy.

Asa, realizing his lack of strength, saw Jehovah as standing between the might of Zerah and himself. And he was not mistaken. We are told that the Cushites “were crushed before the Lord and his forces” (v. 13), as though heavenly warriors threw themselves against the enemy on Israel’s behalf. God’s forces so overwhelmed the vast army of the enemy that they fled. Then all Israel had to do was follow up and gather the plunder. Our God is “the Lord of hosts” (Isa. 10:16 KJV), who can summon unexpected reinforcements at any moment to help His people. Believe that He is between you and your difficulty, and what troubles you will flee before Him, as clouds in the wind. F. B. Meyer

When nothing on which to lean remains,

When strongholds crumble to dust;

When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,

That is just the time to trust.

It’s better to walk by faith than sight,

In this path of yours and mine;

And the darkest night, when there’s no outer light

Is the time for faith to shine.

“Abraham believed God” (Rom. 4:3), and said to his eyes, “Stand back!” and to the laws of nature, “Hold your peace!” and to an unbelieving heart, “Silence, you lying tempter!” He simply “believed God.” Joseph Parker

