Christians love God. He is our great Treasure, and nothing
can compare with him. One of the great old catechisms says,
“God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his
being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.”1
This is the One we love. We love the whole panorama of his
perfections. To know him, and be loved by him, and become
like him is the end of our soul’s quest. He is our “exceeding
joy” (Ps. 43:4).
He is infinite—and that answers our longing for completeness.
He is eternal—and that answers our longing for permanence.
He is unchangeable—and that answers our longing for stability
and security. There is none like God. Nothing can compare with
him. Wealth, sex, power, popularity, conquest, productivity,
great achievement—nothing can compare with God.
When the Fog Clears
The more you know him, the more you want to know him.
The more you feast on his fellowship, the hungrier you are for
deeper, richer communion. Satisfaction at the deepest levels breeds a holy longing for the time when we will have the very
power of God to love God.
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