기본카테고리 1월 13일 1년 1독 성경읽기 [창세기 31-33장, 마태복음 12장 1-21절] [개역개정] January 13th One Year Bible Daily Reading [Genesis 31-33, Matthew chapter 12 verses 1-21] (Reformation Bible) reformedkjy 2019. 1. 13. 07:43 반응형 반응형 공유하기 게시글 관리 이것저것 모아모아 저작자표시 '기본카테고리' 카테고리의 다른 글 2019년 1월 13일 주보 (0) 2019.01.14 January 13 "Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold but they went not; for the ships were broken at Ezion-geber" (1 Kings 22: 48). Solomon's ships had returned in safety, but Jehoshaphat's vessels never reached the land of gold. P.. (0) 2019.01.13 It is recorded of our famous Jewel, that about the beginning of Queen Mary’s reign, the inquisition taking hold of him in Oxford, he fled to London by night; but providentially losing the road, he escaped the inquisitors who pursued him. However, he f.. (0) 2019.01.12 “이기는 자, 두려워하는 자” [2018년 12월 30일 자비교회 주일 설교 요약] (0) 2019.01.12 January 12 "Ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's" (1 Corinthians 3: 23). Ye are Christ's. You are His by donation, for the Father gave you to the Son. You were purchased by His blood for He counted the price for your redemption. You are His by de.. (0) 2019.01.12 '기본카테고리' Related Articles 2019년 1월 13일 주보 January 13 "Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold but they went not; for the ships were broken at Ezion-geber" (1 Kings 22: 48). Solomon's ships had returned in safety, but Jehoshaphat's vessels never reached the land of gold. P.. It is recorded of our famous Jewel, that about the beginning of Queen Mary’s reign, the inquisition taking hold of him in Oxford, he fled to London by night; but providentially losing the road, he escaped the inquisitors who pursued him. However, he f.. “이기는 자, 두려워하는 자” [2018년 12월 30일 자비교회 주일 설교 요약]