All we like sheep (우리 모두 양과 같이) 1. All we like sheep have gone astray 우린 모두 양과 같이 Each of us turning our own separate way 길을 잃고 제갈 길로 갔네 We have all sinned, 범죄하여 and fallen short of Your glory. 주 영광을 잃어버렸네 But Your glory is what we desire to see 주의 영광을 다시 보게 하소서 and in Your presence is 주의 임재 가운데 where we long to be 살게 하소서 (Refrain) O Lord, (후렴) 오 주여 show us Your mercy and grace 은혜와 자비 베푸소서 Take us to Your holy place 이 땅을 고치소서 Forgive our sins and heal our land 우리 죄를 사하소서 We long to be 주의 영광 in Your presence once again 다시 보게 하소서 2. Taking our sickness, taking our pain 멸시받고 거절당하신 Jesus the sacrifice Lamb has been slain 죽임당하신 어린 양 예수 He was despised, rejected by men, 우리 고통, 우리의 죄악 He took our sin 가져가셨네 Draw us near to You 아들 예수의 피로 Father through Jesus Your Son 정결케 하사 Let us worship before You 아버지 앞에 cleansed by Your blood 경배하게 하소서 하늘의 해와 달들아 하늘의 해와 달들아 소리높여 찬양 하여라 The sun and the moon in the sky praise him, highest heavens 나팔 소리 비파와 수금으로 여호와를 찬양 하여라 With trumpet harp and lyre praise him, highest heavens 높은 산과 넓은 바다 모두 주를 찬양 하여라 All the mountains and the ocean praise him highest heavens 호흡이 있는자마다 여호와를 찬양 하여라 Every breaths all the nation you all praise him highest heavens 세상모든 사람들아 주를 찬양 하라 Every people should praise him who is almighty 살아계신 나의 하나님을[살아계신 너의 하나님을] Our Lord is living God forever 호흡이 있는자마다 여호와를 찬양 하여라 Every breaths all the nation you all praise him highest heavens 예수는 나의 영광 또 예수는 나의 소망 내 안에 계신 주 닮기 원하네 주님 닮기를 원하네 예수는 나의 전부 예수는 나의 보배 내 안에 오셔서 생명되셨네 언제나 새 힘을 주시네 예수 나의 모든 능력 예수 나의 모든 기쁨 예수 나의 모든 소망 예수 예수 예수 나의 귀한 보배 예수 나의 귀한 생명 예수 내게 있는 전부 에수 예수 나의 주 Think about His love (주의 사랑을) Think about His love Think about His goodness 주의 사랑을 주의 선하심을 Think about His grace That's brought us through 주의 은혜를 생각해보라 For as high as The heavens above 하늘보다도 더 높으신 So great is the measure Of our Father's love 아버지 사랑 크고 놀랍네 Great is the measure Of our Father's love 아버지 사랑 크고 놀랍네 How could I forget His love How could I forget His mercy 내 어찌 그사랑 잊으리 내 어찌 주의 긍휼 잊으리 He satisfies He satisfies He satisfies He satisfies He satisfies my desire 내 영혼의 모든 소원 만족시킨 하나님 Think about His love Think about His goodness 주의 사랑을 주의 선하심을 Think about His grace That's brought us through 주의 은혜를 생각해보라 For as high as The heavens above 하늘보다도 더 높으신 So great is the measure Of our Father's love 아버지 사랑 크고 놀랍네 Great is the measure Of our Father's love 아버지 사랑 크고 놀랍네 Lord, I will lift your name on high (주의 이름 높이며) Lord, I lift your name on high 주의 이름 높이며 Lord, I love to sing your praises 주를 찬양하나이다 I'm so glad you're in my life 나를 구하러 오신 I'm so glad you came to save us 주를 기뻐하나이다 You came from heaven to earth 하늘 영광 버리고 To show the way 이 땅 위에 From the earth to the cross 십자가를 지시고 My debt to pay 죄 사했네 From the cross to the grave 무덤에서 일어나 From the grave to the sky 하늘로 올리셨네 Lord, I lift your name on high 주의 이름 높이리 1.믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니 앞에 가신 주를 따라 갑시다 우리 대장 예수 기를 가지고 접전하는 곳에 가신 것 보라 믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니 앞에 가신 주를 따라갑시다 2.원수마귀 모두 쫓겨 가기는 예수 이름 듣고 겁이 남이라 우리 찬송 듣고 지옥 떨리니 형제들아 찬송 찬송합시다 믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니 앞에 가신 주를 따라갑시다 3.세상나라들은 멸망 받으나 예수교회 영영 왕성하리라 지옥권세 감히 해치 못함은 주가 모든 교회 지키심이라 믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니 앞에 가신 주를 따라갑시다 4.백성들아 와서 함께 모여서 우리 모두 함께 개가 부르세 영원토록 영광 권세 찬송을 우리 임금 주께 돌려보내세 믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니 앞에 가신 주를 따라갑시다 아멘 1. Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2. but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father. 3. So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. 4. But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, 5. so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. 6. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" 7. Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God. 8. However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again? 10. You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11. I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain. 12. I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong; 13. but you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time; 14. and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself. 15. Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me. 16. So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? 17. They eagerly seek you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them. 18. But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you. 19. My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you-- 20. but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you. 찬송가 영어 가사 1.On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, March-ing as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Go-ing on be-fore: Christ the roy-al Mas-ter Leads a-gainst the foe; For-ward in-to bat-tle, See His ban-ners go. On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, March-ing as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Go-ing on be-fore. 2.At the sound of tri-umph Sa-tan's host doth flee; On then, Chris-tian sol-diers, On to vic-to-ry: Hell's foun-da-tions quiv-er At the shout of praise; Broth-ers, lift your voic-es, Loud your an-thems raise. On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, March-ing as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Go-ing on be-fore. 3.Crowns and thrones may per-ish, King-doms wax and wane, But the Church of Je-sus Con-stant will re-main; Gates of hell can nev-er 'Gainst that Church pre-vail; We have Christ's own pro-mise, And that can-not fail. On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, March-ing as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Go-ing on be-fore. 4.On-ward, then, ye peo-ple, Join our hap-py throng, Blend with ours your voi-ces In the tri-umph song; Glo-ry, laud, and hon-or Un-to Christ our King; This thro' count-less a-ges Men and an-gels sing. On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, March-ing as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Go-ing on be-fore. A-men.
찬송-우리 모두 양과 같이, 하늘의 해와 달들아, 예수는 나의 영광, 주의 사랑을, 주의 이름 높이며, 믿는 사람들은 군병 같으니/설교-해산하는 수고 [20201025 주일 예배]