82문: 하나님의 계명을 완전히 지킬 수 있는 사람이 있습니까?
답: 타락한 이후 한낱 사람으로서는
이 세상에 살 동안에
하나님의 계명들을 완전히 지킬 수 없고,
오히려 생각과 말과 행위로
날마다 범합니다.
83문: 법을 어기는 죄가 모두 똑같이 악합니까?
답: 어떤 죄는 그 자체로서
그리고 거기서 파생된 해악으로 말미암아
하나님 앞에서
다른 죄보다 더 악합니다.
84문: 모든 죄마다 마땅히 받아야 할 보응이 무엇입니까?
답: 모든 죄마다 마땅히 받아야 할 보응은
이 세상과 오는 세상에서
하나님의 진노와 저주를 받는 것입니다.
Q. 82. Is any man able to keep the commandments of God perfectly?
No mere human person, since the fall, is able to keep the commandments of God perfectly in this life, but breaks them daily in thought, word, and deed.[a]
[a]. Gen 8:21; Rom 3:9-18, 23
Comment on Q. 82.
One man kept the law – the God-Man, Christ Jesus. In this life no other has or can keep God’s law, but in the life to come the saved will. Take the best day you have ever had. Think about your thoughts – were they all pure and good? Your words? Your actions? So we need to pray each day for our Father’s forgiveness.
Q. 83. Are all transgressions of the law equally sinful?
Some sins, because of their nature and the circumstances, are more sinful in the sight of God than others.[a]
[a]. Eze 8:6, 13, 15; Mat 11:20-24; John 19:11
Q. 84. What does every sin deserve?
/Although some sins will be more severely punished than others,[a]/ yet every sin deserves God’s wrath and curse, both in this life and the life that is to come.[b]
[a]. Mat 11:21-24; Luk 12:47-48
[b]. Mat 25:41; Gal 3:10; Eph 5:6; Jas 2:10
Comment on Q. 84.
If you are tempted to think that maybe God can overlook sin or that it will not be punished, then look at the death of Christ. God did not give his Son because we were worth saving, but because there was no other way we could be saved except at such a cost. God’s wrath fell on Christ and so does not fall on those who belong to Christ. But those who do not find refuge in Christ will find God’s wrath will come on them. If God did not spare his Son … how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?