내 안에 사는 이 예수 그리스도니
Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain
나의 죽음도 유익함이라
Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain
나의 왕 내 노래 내 생명 또 내 기쁨
He's my King, He's my song, He's my life, He's my joy
나의 힘 나의 검 내 평화 나의 주
He's my strength, He's my sword, He's my peace, He's my Lord
내 안에 사는 이 예수 그리스도니
Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain
나의 죽음도 유익함이라
Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain
주께 감사하세 그는 선하시며
인자하심이 영원함이라
주께 감사하세 그는 선하시며
인자하심이 영원함이라
O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever
I give thanks to You Lord for You are good, for Your steadfast love endures forever
19. 그러므로 형제자매 여러분, 우리는 예수의 피를 힘입어서 담대하게 지성소에 들어가게 되었습니다.
20. 예수께서는 휘장을 뚫고 우리에게 새로운 살 길을 열어 주셨습니다. 그런데 그 휘장은 곧 그의 육체입니다.
21. 그리고 우리에게는 하나님의 집을 다스리시는 위대한 제사장이 계십니다.
22. 그러니 우리는 확고한 믿음을 가지고, 참된 마음으로 하나님께 나아갑시다. 우리는 마음에다 예수의 피를 뿌려서 죄책감에서 벗어나고, 맑은 물로 몸을 깨끗이 씻었습니다.
23. 또 우리에게 약속하신 분은 신실하시니, 우리는 흔들리지 말고, 우리가 고백하는 그 소망을 굳게 지킵시다.
24. 그리고 서로 마음을 써서 사랑과 선한 일을 하도록 격려합시다.
25. 어떤 사람들의 습관처럼, 우리는 모이기를 그만하지 말고, 서로 격려하여 그 날이 가까워 오는 것을 볼수록, 더욱 힘써 모입시다.
19. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,
20. by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,
21. and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
22. let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
23. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
24. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
25. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
6월 5일 (월) / 무슬림 국가에서 사는 그리스도인들 - 무슬림 배경을 가진 기독교인들은 가족과 지역 사회로부터 신앙을 포기하라는 큰 압박을 받습니다. 그리스도로 인해 버림받은 자들을 보호하시고 공급하시며 그들이 교회에서 새로운 가족을 찾도록 기도합니다
쿠웨이트 - 많은 쿠웨이트 국민이 온라인으로 성경을 듣거나 읽을 수 있도록
19. それで, 兄弟たち, わたしたちは, イエス の 血によって 聖所に 入れると 確信しています.
20. イエス は, 垂れ 幕, つまり, 御自分の 肉を 通って, 新しい 生きた 道をわたしたちのために 開いてくださったのです.
21. 更に, わたしたちには 神の 家を 支配する 偉大な 祭司がおられるのですから,
22. 心は 淸められて, 良心のとがめはなくなり, 體は 淸い 水で 洗われています. 信賴しきって, 眞心から 神に 近づこうではありませんか.
23. 約束してくださったのは 眞實な 方なのですから, 公に 言い 表した 希望を ¿るがぬようしっかり 保ちましょう.
24. 互いに 愛と 善行に 勵むように 心がけ,
25. ある 人たちの 習慣に 倣って 集會を 怠ったりせず, むしろ 勵まし 合いましょう. かの 日が 近づいているのをあなたがたは 知っているのですから, ますます 勵まし 合おうではありませんか.
19. 兄弟たちよ. こういうわけで, わたしたちは イエス の 血によって, はばかることなく 聖所にはいることができ,
20. 彼の 肉體なる 幕をとおり, わたしたちのために 開いて 下さった 新しい 生きた 道をとおって, はいって 行くことができるのであり,
21. さらに, 神の 家を 治める 大いなる 祭司があるのだから,
22. 心はすすがれて 良心のとがめを 去り, からだは 淸い 水で 洗われ, まごころをもって 信仰の 確信に 滿たされつつ, みまえに 近づこうではないか.
23. また, 約束をして 下さったのは 忠實なかたであるから, わたしたちの 告白する 望みを, 動くことなくしっかりと 持ち 續け,
24. 愛と 善行とを 勵むように 互に 努め,
25. ある 人たちがいつもしているように, 集會をやめることはしないで 互に 勵まし, かの 日が 近づいているのを 見て, ますます, そうしようではないか.
19. こういうわけですから, 兄弟たち. 私たちは, イエス の 血によって, 大膽にまことの 聖所にはいることができるのです.
20. イエス はご 自分の 肉體という 垂れ 幕を 通して, 私たちのためにこの 新しい 生ける 道を 設けてくださったのです.
21. また, 私たちには, 神の 家をつかさどる, この 偉大な 祭司があります.
22. そのようなわけで, 私たちは, 心に 血の 注ぎを 受けて 邪惡な 良心をきよめられ, からだをきよい 水で 洗われたのですから, 全き 信仰をもって, 眞心から 神に 近づこうではありませんか.
23. 約束された 方は 眞實な 方ですから, 私たちは 動¿しないで, しっかりと 希望を 告白しようではありませんか.
24. また, 互いに 勸め 合って, 愛と 善行を 促すように 注意し 合おうではありませんか.
25. ある 人¿のように, いっしょに 集まることをやめたりしないで, かえって 勵まし 合い, かの 日が 近づいているのを 見て, ますますそうしようではありませんか.
19. Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus,
20. by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh,
21. and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
22. let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
23. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;
24. and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
25. not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
19. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
20. By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
21. And having an high priest over the house of God;
22. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
24. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.