[하나님은 실수하지 않으신다네] 내가 걷는 이 길이 혹 굽어 도는 수가 있어도, 내 심장이 울렁이고 가슴 아파도 내 마음 속으로 여전히 기뻐하는 까닭은, 하나님은 실수하지 않으심일세 My Father's way may twist and turn, My heart may throb and ache, But in my soul I'm glad to know, He maketh no mistakes. 내가 세운 계획이 혹 빗나갈지 모르며 나의 희망 덧없이 스러질 수 있지만 나 여전히 인도하시는 주님을 신뢰하는 까닭은 주께서 내가 가야 할 길을 잘 아심일세 My cherished plans may go astray, My hopes may fade away, But still I'll trust my Lord to lead, For He doth know the way. (후렴) 어두운 밤 어둠이 깊어 날이 다시는 밝지 않을 것 같아 보여도 내 신앙 부여잡고 주님께 모든 것 맡기리니 하나님을 내가 믿음일세 Though the night be dark and it may seem, That day will never break, I'll pin my faith, my all in Him, He maketh no mistake. 지금은 내가 볼 수 없는 것 너무 많아서 너무 멀리 가물가물 어른거려도 운명이여 오라! 나 두려워 아니하리 만사를 주님께 내어 맡기리 There's so much now I cannot see, My eyesight's far too dim, But come what may, I'll simply trust, And leave it all to Him. 차츰차츰 안개는 걷히고, 하나님 지으신 빛이 뚜렷이 보이리라 가는 길이 온통 어둡게만 보여도, 하나님은 실수하지 않으신다네 For by and by the mist will lift, And plain it all He'll make, Through all the way, though dark to me, He made not one mistake! Thanks for your interest in my dad, A.M. Overton. I am glad to give you some information about him. He grew up in Toone, TN, the son of a farmer. He graduated from Union University in Jackson, TN, where he was a debate partner with J.D. Grey. He told the story that when they left college, J.D. said, "I am going to be president of the SBC," to which Dad replied, "I will probably be so far out in the boondocks that I won't hear about it." While a college student, I visited Dr. Grey at the FBC of New Orleans. He treated me royally and spoke most fondly of Dad. He also gave me some information about the poem. I knew something of the story but not as much as he told, which I will repeat to you. First, Dad was pastor of the FBC of Baldwyn, MS, a small town in northeast Mississippi. While there his wife died in childbirth, the baby also dying. He was left with three children, two girls and a boy, ages about 8-12. During the funeral service, the pastor preaching the sermon noticed that Dad was writing. After the service he asked about it, and Dad gave him the words that are now familiar to many people around the world, "He Maketh No Mistake." Shortly afterwards, he married a lady from Baldwyn and then became the pastor of the Fulton Baptist Church [now FBC], about forty miles from Baldwyn. Fulton is a county seat town just a few miles west of the Alabama state line, about fifty miles south of the Tennessee state line. He pastored that church until his death of colon cancer in 1952, at the age of 52. I was the oldest of four children born to that marriage in Fulton, followed by two daughters and another son. His preaching ministry was that of expository preacher. He almost always preached through books of the Bible, one on Sunday morning, another on Sunday night, and another on Wednesday night. [Sometimes I think that both Sunday sermons were from the same book.] His activities were many. He began a radio program around 1945, a Saturday morning "Radio Bible Class." This grew into a network of several stations in several states nearby; then later he added some large "clear channel" stations in Texas and Mexico that covered a large part of the nation. He once received a letter of H.S. Ironside of Moody Church, Chicago, very well-known at that time, commending him for his good work. It was during that time that I played the piano as introduction and conclusion to his programs, traveling with him every Saturday to Tupelo, MS, where the broadcast originated, and once a month for a whole afternoon while he recorded four or five messages for use in the larger stations further away. I had no idea at the time that those experiences were making an enormous impact on me. When I arrived at Mississippi College, by his arrangement, shortly after his death, having just surrendered to preach, it dawned on me after two or three years there that I was miles ahead of my fellow ministerial students in knowledge of the Bible. The reason, of course, was that I had been under my father's strong Bible preaching three times every week all my life through high school, plus the untold numbers of radio messages. I must admit that I wasn't really "trying" to learn the Bible all that time, but much of it rubbed off on me anyway. A tribute, of course, to the grace of the Lord to me. You will appreciate this little side note, especially given your name. He received mail from all over the country in response to his radio programs. He never, ever asked for money, but it came unsolicited and was the entire financial provision for the programs. His address was simply, A.M. Overton, Fulton, MS. He once received a letter addressed to A.M. Fulton, Overton, MS. Somehow, he got it! By the way, the Lord's provision of finances for the radio ministry was a story in itself. Countless times he came to the absolute last
하나님은 실수하지 않으신다네 [He maketh no mistake] 운명이여 오라! 나 두려워 아니하리 [I'll pin my faith in Him] Eng.Sub